dream archive
- you can't remember the beginning, only a theme/ overall atmosphere or purpose that resonates throughout the dream
- it gets lighter, clearer and more saturated by the end
- the ending is always the clearest, even though it might not be the most memorable event
- it often ends on a cliffhanger or right before a big event/ realization
- people are almost never fully rendered visually, but their emotional presence is still there (or the presence of multiple people merged into one deja-vu-esque character)
- some scene transitions happen gradually (eg the "backgrounds" are already intertwined) and some are hard cuts to another "plotline"
i've been keeping a loose dream journal for the past 4 years in the form of text messages towards my friends.

due to personal reasons i won't be sharing it on this website, but rather recreate them in a visually abstract way and try to match them as closely as i can to how it was all mapped out at the moment of dreaming
dreaming while not sober:
- a lot of short, dense and fragmented pieces that sometimes repeat/ continue each other
the "map" is usually pretty convoluted and has more three-dimensional levels layered on top of each other.
- the 3 dimensional space is skewed and the environments seem way larger and more vast than they would in real life, such as a very high and steep cinema room with a seemingly borderless screen and unlimited chairs
- directions also don't respect reality (if that makes sense). for example someone is sitting on the chair next to me on my right, but i see their face from the left perspective-wise
- sometimes the plotlines are very fragmented and unrelated, but the transitions can still be pretty smooth from one setting from another, and it feels relatively natural at the moment of dreaming
- often times the dream is viewed from a first-person perspective, but it's harder to recreate visually so i tend to map out the whole landscape/ events and add relevant elements or characters